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38 octets ajoutés ,  22 novembre 2022
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<h3 style = "font-size:110%; border:none; margin: 20px 5px; padding: 0; text-align: center">
<h3 style = "font-size:110%; border:none; margin: 20px 5px; padding: 0; text-align: center">
<span style = "white-space: nowrap">Online Encyclopedia of Answering Questions and Doubts </span> Affiliated to the <span style = "white-space: nowrap">Center for Studies and Answering Doubts (Islamic Seminary)</span>
<span style = "white-space: nowrap">Encyclopédie en ligne des réponses aux questions et des doutes </span> Affiliée au <span style = "white-space: nowrap">Centre d'études et de réponse aux doutes (Séminaire islamique)</span>
<h3 style = "font-size:110%; border:none; margin: 20px 5px; padding: 0; text-align: center">with [[wikipasokh:List of articles|{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}]] Articles in English; and More Articles in [[:fa:|Farsi]], [[:ar:|Arabic]],  [[:es:|Espanol]], and [[:ps:|Pashto]]</span>
<h3 style = "font-size:110%; border:none; margin: 20px 5px; padding: 0; text-align: center">avec [[wikipasokh:List of articles|{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}]] Articles en français ; et plus d'articles dans [[:fa:|Farsi]], [[:en:|English]], [[:ar:|Arabic]],  [[:es:|Espanol]], and [[:ps:|Pashto]]</span>